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International coastal management, development and economy show

The event

A show devoted to the coastline, SIGAEL is an event for:

  • public and private purchasing decision-makers, state services, institutional organisations and providers specialised in management, services, local authority coastal planning and development bodies,

  • companies, professionals, suppliers and service providers specialising in planning and economic development of coastal regions.

Nous avons bien enregistré votre demande et vous en remercions. A bientôt


A renowned organisation

The agency SAFYM, based in South Brittany, is specialised organising custom events. Since 1996, it has been renowned for the quality of its organisation and expert advice. Every year, it organizes the International Tourism Fairs in Nantes and Rennes, and jointly with Lorient Bretagne-Sud Expos-Congrès, organises the international fishing tradeshow Itechmer. SAFYM regularly counts 100% of exhibitors satisfied with the organisation.

Gaëlle Nio and Arnaud Métivier are your contacts supporting you for anything you may need.

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